Espresso roast vs filter roast – what's the difference?

The roast profile of a coffee tells you a lot about what you're about to taste in the cup.

A roast profile takes into account where the coffee is sourced, the flavour we’re trying to bring out, how hot the roaster should be when we put the coffee in, and when to stop the roast. Different roast profiles produce different flavours, which can be tailored to specific brew methods.

There are a few key differences between these espresso roasts filter roasts. It’s important to understand how they impact your coffee.

From the top – coffee is green when we receive it from origin after processing. It needs to be roasted to develop the flavours and aromas that we all love. During roasting, the beans go through a series of chemical reactions that change the colour, aroma, and taste of the coffee. The level of roasting can vary and has a significant impact on the final product that ends up in your cup.

Espresso roast refers to coffee beans roasted on the darker side. This means beans are roasted longer at a higher temperature, resulting in a deeper brown colour and occasionally an oily surface. Espresso roasts produce heavy, bold flavour.

This is ideal for brewing espresso. The high pressure of brewing espresso requires beans that can stand up and extract well – this strong flavour stands out even when mixed with milk. It's also ideal for methods like Stovetop or Plunger, which are suited to extract heavy-bodied flavours.

On the other hand, filter roasts are lighter roasts ideal for soft brewing methods, like pour-over, AeroPress and batch brewers (like the Moccamaster). The coffee is roasted for a shorter period at a lower temperature. Filter roasts allow for unique flavours of coffee to shine, as the roast doesn't overpower the natural characteristics of the beans. You can expect to taste fruity, floral, and nutty notes from filter roast specialty coffee.

However, that’s not to say you can’t use espresso roasts for your Chemex or filter roasts on your home espresso machine. But you’ll find that buying the right roast profile for your brew method allows the coffee to truly shine.

Whatever your preference may be, both of these roasts offer unique and delicious options for coffee connoisseurs to enjoy. So go ahead, try out both and discover which one you like best.

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