Making better coffee at home: tips and tricks

Coffee is a morning ritual for many. For some, a day cannot begin without a fresh cup of coffee.

Nothing beats the satisfaction of making a perfect cup right in the comfort of your own home. However, making a good cup of coffee with café-quality flavour can become tricky without the right tools and techniques. So we’ve put together some simple tips and tricks to elevate your home coffee game.

1. Buy Good Coffee

It all starts with the quality of the beans. There is an overwhelming amount of coffee out there to experience, but start with buying high-quality arabica beans. Whatever your flavour preference – be it dark and bold or light and fruity – make sure the beans you buy are freshly roasted and avoid buying pre-ground coffee where possible.

It may be tempting to save money and buy cheaper coffee, but investing in good-quality beans results in a much better-tasting brew.

2. Storage

It’s crucial to store coffee properly to maintain freshness.

By storing your coffee in an airtight container away from sunlight, heat, and moisture, your coffee can age slowly, giving you weeks of great flavour.

As coffee ages, it begins to dry up and oxidise. If stored incorrectly, your coffee will begin to taste flat and bland quickly. Invest in a quality coffee storage container to keep your coffee fresh for as long as possible, and avoid putting coffee in the freezer too – the pantry is perfect!

3. Grind Fresh

Grinding beans right before brewing is crucial to making a great cup of coffee.

Coffee begins to lose its flavour and aroma immediately after grinding, so you'll never quite get the same flavour experience from pre-ground coffee. With a quality grinder, you can experiment with different grind sizes to find the perfect one for your preferred brewing method.

Check out our grind guide for a good starting point for your brew method.

4. Be precise

Measuring the right amount of coffee (the dose) is essential in achieving a perfectly balanced and flavourful cup.

Too little coffee will result in a weak and dull cup, while too much coffee will make your cup bitter and overpowering. Be consistent with your dosing with digital scales and follow recommended brew ratios for your brewing method.

It may take some trial and error, but once you find the right ratio you can replicate it for a great cup of coffee every time.

5. Experiment

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different brewing methods and techniques.

Different brew methods provide unique flavour experiences, and it's up to personal preference for which tastes best. Brewing the same coffee through a pour-over, French press, espresso machine and stovetop results in different flavours in each cup.

You can also experiment with different coffee origins and roasts to find your perfect cup of coffee. There is no one "right" way to make coffee – what matters most is finding what you enjoy the most!

6. Enjoy

Making better coffee at home requires good-quality beans, proper storage, and the right brewing techniques. By investing in quality tools and ingredients and exploring different methods, you can achieve a perfect cup of coffee in the comfort of your home every day.

So take some time to master the art of brewing coffee, and start your day on a high note with a delicious and satisfying cup of joe.