Facing sustainability challenges on our new packaging journey

Our commitment to sustainability drives us to continuously innovate and improve our practices. Recently, we faced a significant challenge with our packaging choices. As the conversation around environmentally conscious materials evolves, we've made critical decisions to align with our sustainability goals.

Moving away from commercially compostable materials

Our current retail packaging is commercially compostable. However, since launching in 2018 we have encountered significant obstacles. In New Zealand, the majority of commercially compostable materials are not effectively recycled due to inadequate infrastructure and systems.

While a few industrial composting facilities can handle these materials, most do not accept commercially compostable packaging, resulting in low recycling rates (Plastics New Zealand) (WasteMINZ). The situation in Australia is similar where, despite having capable facilities, the recycling rates remain low due to limited availability and comprehensive systems (Ministry for the Environment).

Recognising these challenges, we decided that commercially compostable packaging was not the viable solution we had hoped for. The infrastructure simply isn’t there to support it on a large scale. Without a reliable waste stream, the environmental benefits are minimal.

The soft plastics conundrum

Our next consideration was soft plastics.

These materials offer good barrier properties necessary for maintaining the freshness and quality of our coffee and are widely used in the coffee industry. However, the recycling rates for soft plastics are disheartening. In New Zealand, only about 31% of soft plastics collected through recycling schemes are successfully recycled, often repurposed into products like fence posts and garden edging (Ministry for the Environment) (Plastics New Zealand).

In Australia, the situation is even more dire, with a recycling rate of just 4% (Ministry for the Environment). At a national level, the collapse of Redcycle also had a major impact on effective soft plastics recycling. The primary issues are contamination and the complex logistics of collection and processing.

Given these statistics, we realised that while soft plastics might be a practical solution in terms of barrier properties, their environmental impact through poor recycling rates makes them less than ideal. However, in the UK, where there is widespread access to soft plastic recycling, we continue to use soft plastics as they are more effectively recycled.

Our path forward: reducing plastic content

As we work towards our ultimate goal of a curb-side recyclable, high-barrier packaging solution, we've made significant interim decisions:

  • Our new material uses up to 40% less plastic than standard soft plastic packaging

  • Our bags feature an innovative degassing vent with up to 98% less plastic than a traditional mechanical valve (equalling ~approx. 1 gram of plastic per bag).

These steps allow us to minimise our environmental footprint while ensuring that our coffee reaches you in the best possible condition.

Why this matters

Our decision to reduce plastic content aligns with our broader sustainability efforts. By cutting down on plastic use, we are taking a step towards reducing waste. This transition period is crucial as it gives us the opportunity to research and develop a truly sustainable packaging solution that meets our high standards for product quality and environmental responsibility.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. We believe that together, we can make a significant difference and continue to enjoy great coffee without compromising the health of our planet.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress and more insights into our sustainable practices. For more information, visit our website and follow us on Instagram @allpressespresso.

Our new packaging:

  • Uses up to 40% less plastic than standard soft plastic packaging.

  • The innovative valve contains 98% less plastic than a traditional valve.

  • Our UK team are able to use soft plastic packaging due to widespread access to soft plastic recycling.

  • We are working towards curbside recyclable, high-barrier packaging and have promising prototypes.

  • Packaging is a key component of our B Corp pathway, with the aim to be certified by the end of 2025.